The Watkins Family

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Major & Cornelia Watkins


Stephen Kutisol Watkins (birthdate 1850's-60's) m Irene (or Rener)Kelly/Kelley (birthdate unknown)

............Major Jerome Watkins, Sr.* (1893-1991) m Cornelia Izora Dooley (1905-1986)

.........................Stephen K. Watkins (1929-1977 or 78)

........................Major Jerome Watkins, Jr. (b 1928-1998) m Audrey Hunter

.............Josephine Watkins

.............Stephen K.Watkins

.............Frank Watkins

.............Elihu Watkins

.............Manius Watkins

.............Savannah Watkins-Meachen

.............Ollie MaeWatkins

.............Nettie Watkins-Brooks


* Major was from Memphis, Tennessee and Cornelia from Columbia, Tennessee. Major moved to Pontiac, Michigan around 1920 and married Cornelia in 1927.

*Major and Cornelia had a total of 11 children.

.........For privacy purposes, no information about living persons will be given on this website.

If .you believe that you are related to this family, please e-mail me at the address below:

**I have additional information relating to Watkins of African-American descent. I have not determined whether they are related to this line so I have not included it here. Please e-mail me if you are interested.




~Watkins Links~

Early Watkins Marriages in AL, MO, NC, TN

Family Tree Maker Classified Ads

Memphis, Tennessee (Shelby County) Death Records 1902-1939

Watkins Family Genealogy Forum

Watkins Family History Society

The Watkins Genealogy Page



Watkins Tidbits

More to Come!

Slave births from the Bible belonging to Isaac & Judith Vaiden, owners of the Plantation Pamocra (Palm-a-cray) in New Kent County, Virginia:

........Watkins, Oney - b. Dec. 25, 1822


Watkins, Wade - b. in Haywood County, TN; claimed service with the 48th Tenn. Cav.?; application accepted.


John Watkins m. Julia Perkins, both of Memphis, TN 
Date: September 3, 1865 Place: Memphis, TN 
Man: 26 yrs old; color: black; father: black; mother: black; lived with another woman 6 years, separated from her by death. Woman: 21 yrs old; color: black; father: black; mother: black. They, unitedly had 0 children; the man by previous connection had 4; the woman by previous connection had 0. 

Wyatt Watkins m. Dolly Watkins, both of Memphis, TN 
Date: September 17, 1865 Place: Memphis, TN 
Man: 33 yrs old; color: black; father: black; mother: black. Woman: 38 yrs old; color: black; father: black; mother: black; lived with another man 6 years, separated from him by death. They, unitedly had 0 children; the man by previous connection had 0; the woman by previous connection had 1.




State of North Carolina
Anson County                                                         Freedmen Labor Contract

     This indenture made and entered into on the a17th day of Dec AD 1866 between W. A. Barner & Ritchie of the County of Cabarras and State of N. Ca. Of the first part and Henry Watkins a freedmen of the second part. Witnesseth that the said Henry Watkins, and children George, Frances and Samuel, freedmen, have agreed to work for the said Barner and Ritchie from this date to the 1st day of Jan AD 1868 on his farm in the State of Tenn and to do all kinds of labor that is deemed necessary to be done, to do this work faithfully and to be respectful in his behavior and they shall receive two hundred and seventy five dollars on the 1st day of Jan AD 1868, or a part payment as soon as the crops are gathered and sold. And the said Henry Watkins and children further agree that time lost by sullenness or absence without leave in sickness shall not be paid for. And the said W. A. Barner & Ritchie have agreed to furnish the said Henry Watkins and children with comfortable quarters sufficient rations and the amount of money above stated and transportation to his family free of charge. And they the said Henry Watkins and children, freed laborers, are to furnish own clothing and pay their Doctor bill. In testimony whereof the above parties set their hand and seal.


C. Clark                                                                      W. A. Barner {seal}
                                                                                    Henry (X) Watkins



December 25, 1866. State of North Carolina, Anson County. Louis Watkins indentured to W. A. Barner to work farm in Tennessee until January 1, 1868.



May 26, 1866. Katy Watkins, a colored girl and an orphan, age 7 on the 10th of March last, bound to C. C. Moss of Dyer County until the age of 18.

May 26, 1866. Joseph Watkins, a colored boy and an orphan, age 11 on the 1st of this month, bound to William M. Watkins of Dyer County until the age of 21.





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